Steps to Finding the Right Child Custody Attorney
Florida’s child custody regulations were recently revised. The words “parental responsibility” and “time-sharing” are now used by courts in place of “custody” and “visitation.” According to the new legislation, parents should spend equal amounts of time with their children, unless there is a good reason to think otherwise.
The Finest Florida Child Custody Lawyer in Pensacola
Anyone who wishes to maintain a strong relationship with their children after a divorce or separation must choose the ideal child custody arrangement. It’s critical to locate a knowledgeable attorney who will defend your legal rights. A competent child custody lawyer can draft a parenting plan that satisfies both your and your kid’s requirements. If your situation changes, they may also assist you in changing a custody arrangement that is already in place.
A skilled child custody lawyer will also be equipped to handle intricate cases including abuse and domestic violence. They will be able to help in child support matters as well. In some cases, the parents might reach a parenting plan agreement prior to the court’s ruling. Call Davis and Associates at (469) 213-3316 for your free case evaluation with a Pensacola Family Lawyer!
When it comes to child custody, historically, the mother has often been given preference by the courts, especially during the “tender years.” It is appropriate for both parents to be able to spend meaningful time with their children, and the new Florida regulations do not favor one parent over the other.
When deciding who gets custody of a child, judges take into account a wide range of factors, such as the child’s living situation, the parents’ capacity to provide a stable and fulfilling environment, the health of both parents, any history of drug or alcohol abuse, any history of abusive behavior in the past, and any other element that might jeopardize the child’s safety.
If the youngster is old enough to communicate their desires, the court will also pay attention to them. But a four- or five-year-old’s choice won’t matter as much as a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old’s.
The court may give exclusive custody to one parent if there is any cause to believe that giving both parents equal parenting responsibilities and time with the kid might be detrimental to the youngster. This is often only given out in the most dire circumstances and calls for substantial proof of injury or danger. A court will often grant joint custody to both parents and give them the freedom to make their own choices. If a parent who would normally be granted joint parenting responsibility and time is really threatened with domestic violence or abuse, a court would often grant sole custody. In this situation, a court will often impose supervised visitation or forbid contact with the kid until the parent has received the all-clear from the police department and any other relevant authorities. We refer to this as a protection order. A court may even assign the kid to child protective services in certain situations.